
利记sbo Rolls Out a New Marketing Campaign: Be Curious. Make Magic.



Curiosity makes us wonder what could someday be. 它是在对未来的憧憬中徘徊,有时会迷失其中. 一旦得到认可,它就有改变世界的力量.

魔术是一种把抽象的概念具体化,把想象变成现实的现象, through research, practice, and a drive to discover, seeded by curiosity. Magic is technology. 没有科技,我们将永远只是好奇、想象和相信. But when curiosity and technology coincide, anything is possible with determination, perseverance, change, and the right tools. 

At Lawrence Technological University, students are provided with the tools that allow their curiosity to cross the line between magic and technology; as long as you think, have a vision, and implement, possibility awaits. 利记sbo校长Tarek Sobh这样说:“创造力一直存在于劳伦斯理工学院的DNA中. Our faculty and staff are so creative, 并且能够非常迅速地提出新的学位课程, professional development opportunities, new research paradigms, and design, create, 并发明具有重大智力价值和广泛影响的重大项目.” 

Beyond lectures, 利记sbo的教授培养学生的想象力,对激发学生的好奇心和鼓励创造力有重要的影响. 利记sbo students are unique; they are different; they are explorers. 他们的好奇心决定了他们勤奋地从事研究, interdisciplinary and experiential education, 成为本学科的学者和未来富有成效和创新的专业人士.

Students are provided with the tools that allow their curiosity to cross the line between magic and technology; as long as you think, have a vision, and implement, possibility awaits.

利记sbo的新营销活动旨在说明这所大学是一个支持学生好奇心的机构, innovation, and passions, 让学生将愿望转化为回报, meaningful careers. Students carry this curiosity into their classes, internships, co-ops, employment endeavors, volunteering efforts, and more. 利记sbo不仅培养了学生的好奇心,还让他们在课堂上创造奇迹, in laboratories, and when participating in meaningful, groundbreaking research.

利记sbo学生的好奇心从学生入学的第一天就被鼓励了. 索布校长表示,新的活动“非常无缝地描述了我们的机构、我们的学生和校友是利记sbo什么的. 我们是一个好奇的机构,探索未来,为未来规划, always wanting to know what the future will bring. 我们的学生很好奇,我们的校友也很好奇,从不停止学习. And we, as an institution, create magic.”

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The process for the campaign was one of discovery, interpretation, and implementation of 利记sbo’s legacy, its present, and its expectations of future success. 这个决定归结为利记sbo学生的独特之处,以及他们的技能脱颖而出的地方. Said Bill Morden, managing partner of TMV, 与Yellow Flag Productions合作开发该活动的营销公司:“很多人认为创意是自然而然产生的. 但我们的过程有点像三管齐下的发现, interpretation, and then implementation. Under the discovery phase, one question we always ask is, 你卖的是什么,提供的是什么?’ We're selling education, 但我们真正提供的是让好奇的人来到这里创造奇迹[改变世界]. 我们认为这是一次非常情绪化的谈话. And guess what? Nobody in [higher education] is talking like that.” 


——Lou bitonti,黄旗制作公司总裁

该活动强调利记sbo所拥有的工具和资源,以帮助学生踏上这样的蜕变之旅-这是一个教师和工作人员团结在培养学生成功和创造更好的能力的使命上的机构, safer, and more sustainable world.

利记sbo一直致力于改变生活,创造更美好的社会, communities, and families, 因此,这条新标语的发布时机恰逢该机构正在进行新的领导层变动. “这次活动是一系列持续好奇和神奇的第一步,” said Lou Bitonti, President of Yellow Flag Productions, the marketing group for 利记sbo.

“我们要做的就是抓住好奇心, 但也要解释你从劳伦斯理工学院获得的工具可以让你发挥你的好奇心,让它成为一个与众不同的人. 从“我小时候一直想做这件事”到“我可以得到我需要的教育来做这件事”.Bitonti说,这项运动强调并扩展了利记sbo的使命, while raising awareness and welcoming curious, enquiring, and inquisitive students.

想象力和技术共同创造了运动和变化, 在利记sbo,你会发现自己的能力,并被激励去发现自己的潜力. We strive to provide opportunities and continuously propel the future through education and access; we seek to train students to be technologically savvy, interdisciplinary oriented, and ready for the innovative careers of the future.


by Nurzahan Rahman

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